Create platform for village /rural based / sub-urban based skilled people which will result in bringing the people of the society to show their entrepreneurship skills in various fields helping them find alternative livelihood to the people of rural and sub urban areas.
Provide, market, trade, provide training in and for procedures generated at village and at rural level.
1. To provide livelihood opportunity to rural people in an equitable and sustainable manner, through better access to assets (natural, physical, human technological and social capital ), that undoubtedly prevent intensification of poverty and livelihood vulnerability.
2. To alleviate poverty and unemployment through creation of basic social and economic infrastructure, provision of training to rural unemployed youth and privilege employment to marginal farmers/Laborers to discourage seasonal and permanent migration to urban areas.
3. To create platform for village /rural based / sub-urban based skilled people which will result in bringing the people of the society to show their entrepreneurship skills in various fields helping them find alternative livelihood to the people of rural and sub urban areas, which results in the overall development of the society.